Welcome to Admissions Network
Hello and welcome to our school community!
Our mission is to provide a happy, safe, and secure place for anyone working within the school community, a place where people can feel confident to ask for, and share advice.
Feel free to invite friends and colleagues, feel free to ask, respond and challenge – this is your space to express yourself and ask for help in a non-judgemental way. If you have a document or a useful resource you’d like to share – let us know and we will add it to the Helpful Resources page for others to see.
We are here for each other and together we can build a stronger school community.
Who are we?
We are YOU. We are a community of people who love working in schools, we may be headteachers, senior school leaders, teachers, administrators, business managers, or sixth-form leads, we all have different roles but love what we do and want to help each other.
We work in schools and some of us may have left schools but are passionate about sharing advice from our years of experience. We are real people just like you and we would love you to join our community so we can learn from your experiences.
Why Open Evenings are Important for Sixth Form?
Beaminster School and Sir John Colfox Academy

Marketing Strategies
Beaminster School and Sir John Colfox Academy

What Makes a Good Sixth-Form Open Evening?
Beaminster School and Sir John Colfox Academy